Family Tree Circles :: Genealogy Journals by user 'maxilaura'

Published Journals and Questions by user 'maxilaura'

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Browning Family from the Brunni Tribe
by maxilaura on 2014-05-30 05:44:44. page views: 593, comments: 0
Information on Falconer Family
by maxilaura on 2014-05-28 16:08:34. page views: 848, comments: 0
Information on Jain / Jane Ella French, 1890 - 1912
by maxilaura on 2014-05-28 16:13:27. page views: 1036, comments: 5
list of Scottish Nuns in 1800s - Falconer surname
by maxilaura on 2014-05-30 05:51:53. page views: 889, comments: 1